Friday, December 4, 2009

Well, well, well look at the calender it says December. haha

Its the last month of 2009. How did shit go by so fast. This year went by faster than Usain Bolt.
Oh well, who cares. Im already living in 2010. Big things 2 look forward to in the near future. yes.

Well I want to post this video up. Its a short film from New Zealand. Won awards. But not very famous. I dont think anyone from Guam saw this, but its all good. At least I did. I think these kids got cool accents. So it adds to it. Chek chek chek it out, what what what what's it all about?

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This blog is used to document my interests, and collect all the cool videos I see on the internet. I want to look back on this in 20 years and laugh.