Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thoughts on Christmas

Well well well. If it aint Christmas! Yeah that time of the year is here. Guam Christmas. Christmas in the Islands. "Ching a ling a ling ching ching."
I went to Mike Phillips Christmas party yesterday and had a good time. I think he has that party so that people can meet friends and wish them a Merry Christmas. Because on Guam, friends are like our extended family. We are all in this together and we all want to wish each other a Merry Christmas in this time when everyone is happy. Happy time! But thanks Mike Phillips for having that party. Its been going on for 18 years and running.
So Christmas...I noticed that Christmas doesent really hit you until the week of Christmas. It kind of sneaks up on you. Well at least for me it did. And it doesent really seem liike a big deal. It kind of just feels like Thanksgiving, except with more decorations. Because you meet with both families, eat, drink some wine, enjoy. Except this time you say "Merry Christmas!" instead of Happy Thanksgiving...
k. a Merry Christmas to anyone who happens to read this. I wish everyone on Guam and in the world could have a genuine smile and a genuine laugh on December 25th. Eat some dessert. eat some cake it will make you happy..

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This blog is used to document my interests, and collect all the cool videos I see on the internet. I want to look back on this in 20 years and laugh.