Monday, August 23, 2010



FB GUY: Updates every ten mins. Friend Vince gets mad at him for ignoring him. Vince deletes his FB account and a fight breaks out. Jordan reassess his FB situation...

PHONE GIRLS: Sam is addicted to the phone. She texts all day long and burns the food. Roommate/gf gets mad. In the middle of a convo and answers a phone call..."no im not doing anything rite now." looks down and texts while roommate is talking to her...I checked ur messages...ur still texting ur old bf. fight.

XBOX 360: guy stays up all nite addicted to games. has a chance to pllay in off islamd tounrney but loses.

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This blog is used to document my interests, and collect all the cool videos I see on the internet. I want to look back on this in 20 years and laugh.