Monday, January 31, 2011

For the Record: My Top 10 Movies

In no particular order:

Finding Forrester
Training Day
Good Will Hunting
Big Fish
The Girl Next Door
The Beach
The Departed
You Me and Dupree
Enemy of the State
Motorcycle Diaries
The Dark Knight
Meet The Parents
Along Came Polly

Friday, January 28, 2011

Inspirational Song I Admit to Playing More than 5x this Week.LOL.

"Keep on reaching for your dreams...cuz it aint crazy as it seems"

I watched Pres.Obama's State of the Union Spech Live on Guam

Still a supporter of this latest speech he said "We do big things." hahaa!


I had a DE JA VU recently and I didnt call it out...i just kept it to myself and let it unfold further...hahha...i think thats wierd..

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thoughts on Life

Life is meant to be celebrated,enjoyed,and use that positive energy to do good for other people.

Coming Home Remix (Thailand)

This girl is gorgeous AND she can sing?!?! PLUS she got that swag to pull off this video....Damina!! haha.....Why arent there any Guam girls like this?


Im a pisces...Im tired of reading horoscopes to find some direction in life. I mean damn thats pretty pathetic...but i guess thats why I read my horoscope everyday...I need something else...I need to read the bible or something...just yesterday I read a 2 page story from chicken soup for the soul:inspirational stories edition...i kinda liked it...i think ill read summore again..maybe that will suffice..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Fast Life, Ca$h Life, Shots Life, Drug Life, Going Out Every Night

I thought I left that life back in 2010...old demons die hard i guess...for now, roll with it, have a good time while you're still young and you can live a crazy day it will be gone.

LOL Prank of the Week

This guy punched a hole through the monitor and peed in his pants! Comedy!

This Is How It feels to hang out with Bob Marley's Sons

I want to go to Jamaica and chill with the Marleys...

Jr.Gong seems cool as fuck. Stephen Marley is so joyful and is happy and at peace...

Part 2 at the studio...damn...i wana chill there and work at that studio ahhaa

Wierd Anti-Gravity Moment: Tennis Ball Doesent Bounce

This happened during a professional tennis match. Maria Sharapova found the dead spot.

What happened is that the stifling temperatures in Melbourne caused a heat bubble filled with air to form under the surface of the court. It's the same concept that causes crust bubbles to develop on edges of pizza slices. As the Mirror reported, workers came out and drilled two small holes in the court, which let out the air. Order, and gravity, was restored.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thoughts on the first day of school

I resented it at first..but once I was there it wasnt so bad...Plus...its nice to see some familiar faces. I never go to class on the first day because it'a bunch of b.s. when you have to go up and introduce yourself. Tell us some background and shit hahaha...its just awkward to it wrong that I dont like awkward moments? Im already an awkward individual so I have enough awkward situations.

Life Advice from Russell Simmons on CNN

"The morning meditator is much more fun than the late night drunk."

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Basically I gotta Live A Better Life

How do you live a better life in 2011?

-All things in moderation
-Get Straight with the Lord...go to church
-Eat Healthy
-Exercise least do a lap at Asan Beach Park
-Do community service..give back
-Get Out Your Dreams...release all the unreleased music recordings and unreleased video

Just had the craziest talk about 2012 tonight

Basically my latest take on the whole 2012 thing is..we got about 22 months left. Hahaa...nah jk. This is what it really may or may not happen...there is an uncertainty...and with that uncertainty comes people changing their behavior. People are going to start acting different. More risks and chances will be taken may or may not happen. There is a 50/50 chance. But 50% is actually a lot. That exact percentage on the world ending is kind of a big number in terms of percentages. Last few lines...2012 people are going to start acting different in January of that year because in the back of their mind they know that they heard of that theory that the world is going to end on December 21 2012. People will want to live life with no regrets.

Lately Everybody Has Been In A Weird State of Mind...Including me

Its been because of the climate of life events nowadays.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thoughts on Christmas Break

Damn, it was fun while it lasted! Went out pretty much a lot..i think? haha...and umm good to see all those old friends, and ppl coming back from college in the was too short of a time frame for spending time with everyone but hey, thats why summer is the shit. christmas time is like i see you 1 or 2 or 3 times in 2 weeks and thats it. summertime its more of a realistic thing to ask someone to hang out bc we got weeks to kill hahaah. christmas time is like a 3 week window...summer 2011 should be more of a party.

Monday, January 10, 2011

My Favorite Song Right Now for 2011

"That XO XO XO...girl u put me in a trance like Tiesto...and I aint talking about techno LOL!" -Will.I.Am

Snoop Dogg Runs Into Jesus in Hollywood LOL

Crazy Clip of the Week: Russian Kids Jumping off a roof

w/ hommade bungee chords:

2011 Is Starting Off A Little Too Good

2010 that year is hard to top but 2011 is giving it some comp already hahaha

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wierd Things Been Happening to me Lately

1.I was playing Foo Fighters...then a UFC Fighter came out to Foo Fighters

2.I was singing a melody to a song and I couldnt find out what it was..then..the song jus played on the was the bruno mars ft damian marley song

3.i asked my friend what time it was...then the dj on the radio came on the air and announced the time and sum other stuffs..we jus started lauging.. and jerome found that canoe that was missing and then helicopters started flying in.

5.I also saw 11:11 a couple times this year already.

6.and also strangely, sum ppl havent responded to my text messages

About Me

This blog is used to document my interests, and collect all the cool videos I see on the internet. I want to look back on this in 20 years and laugh.