Friday, April 30, 2010

Akon gets bombarded by fans in Africa

Raw footage. This is what it looks like to be famous and have ppl climbinig all over your hummer.

Medical Mystery: Indian Man Claims he has not ate or drank in 70 years

This is real shit. On the news. I feel sorry for him, he never ate a prime rib steak.

"An 82 year old man in Gurjarat, India is claiming that 70 years ago, at the age of 12, he stopped eating food or drinking water. Prahlad Jani is what is often referred to as a "breatharian," and is currently being held in isolation in a hospital so that he can be monitored for scientific purposes. India's Defence Research Development Organisation is hoping that this man is telling the truth, and that through their analysis, they can discover ways for humans to survive longer without food. Breatharians are part of a fairly extreme subset of ascetics, believing that the human body can survive without food or water, requiring only breathing and some form of spiritual nourishment. The longest record of a human hunger strike is 74 days." - LAWeekly

NBA mascot's Insane Backflip Dunk off 16 foot ladder

April 26, 2010.

Really?!? Lebron James Half Court 3

I am a witness.

Bizarre clip of the week: Baby getting hyphy!

Some may find this disturbing.

MULLARD! Basketball team celebrates too early & loses basketball game

This is the greatest thing I've ever seen in my life!

Raw Footage:Ukraine Parliament Fight

Eggs and smoke bombs and punches on April 27, 2010

Ole Miss Student Jai Ho Dance Breakout

About Me

This blog is used to document my interests, and collect all the cool videos I see on the internet. I want to look back on this in 20 years and laugh.